Lone Peak VK, 28K and 50K | September 12-14
Yep. This is exactly what it sounds like. The Rut VK, 28K and 50K. That’s three races in three days. That’s three times up Lone Peak Summit. That’s 84 Kilometers (52.5 Miles) of running, walking, and crawling with 21,700 feet of climbing! This is for the true masochist or anyone who thinks more vert equals more fun.
- If you complete the Rut Trifecta, you will receive a special Rut Trifecta finishers award.
- You will be scored in each race, but also for overall Rut Trifecta Awards to top 5 men, women, and non-binary finishers!
Please look to the Lone Peak VK, Rut 28K, and Rut 50K pages for details on each event!
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